Ford : Apollo Charades
I had the pleasure to Direct this Social Media long form for GTB.
"Apollo Charades" celebrating Ford Aerospace 50th Anniversary of the Lunar Landing.
The accomplishments of Philco-Ford making it possible to communicate to the Moon.
Shot on Moonlink Studios stunning stage.
*Preview full Social Media Campaign Here*
Apollo Charades Social Media Campaign Full Spot

Director Treatment : Wanting to keep it as simple as possible overall while paying homage to the original event.

*I knew I would have to find someone how could virtually act this out and really emphasize the gravity movements as shooting 60FPS wasn't going to be enough.

*The part that I was truly most excited about was capturing this in camera prior to the set extension.

*Production Stills : It was a pleasure to work with talent who really tried to bring forth the best physical aspects of the moves.

Client: Ford
Production: Dictionary Films
Director: Chadwick Halbritter
Producer: Robin Tracey
Agency : GTB
Executive Creative Directors: Brad Henson & Beth Hambly
Creative Directors: Tom O'Connor & Adam Hull
Producer: Brittany Gutierrez
Post Production : Cutters Studios Detroit
Editor : Louis Lyne
Assist Editor : Ryann Daigler
Flavor Detroit :
Color : Eric Maurer
Finish : Larry Puskar, Elizabeth Conger
Design/VFX : Keith Slawinski, Paul Williams, Brian Gustafson, Nicholas Mouhot
Flame : Tricia Garrisi, Ann Allen
Another Country : Audio : Jay Scott