ORBI : Social Media | App Design

Creative Direction

 Creative Directed | Strategized this pitch to Commonwealth Detroit on a potential project that was in our current discussions. 
Regarding the functionality for potential Social Media aesthetics, Device look dev, and overall App approach that would be dedicated to alternative "vehicle" insurance.  
This presentation will guide you through my overall all thought process, writing & presentation, look dev ideations, and direction to my team of artists which was completed 
in five days for the presentation. 

Deck Treatment : In order
1) Motion Mapping - Focusing on dynamics of logo in relation to the mechanics written below and following into the logo presentations. 
2) Social Media - The mediums of usage and how the look will be aimed at targeting first, the younger demographics. 
3) UI Mechanics of APP - Creating the underlining in the rawest of forms that would be able to have the flow of clean, user friendly, and able to obtain a quote in 15 seconds.